In SAP BW 7.0, it is mandatory load data via PSA. However, there is an little known option to load the data into the targets without PSA. This option is only available for master data full loads. SAP advices to use this option only for small data loads.
This is the best option to use for small text loads. It can also be used for small attribute full loads. This method uses synchronous data transfer and loads everything in one package. Also, it does not have the overhead of checking statistcs tables for previous delta loads from PSA to Infoobject like in regular flow. Because of thi, loading the data using this option is drastically faster when compared to regular Infopackage -> PSA ->DTP -> MD Attr/Text flow.
One thing to keep in mind is loading the data using this option does not process any enhancements made in CMOD code SAP ERP side.
Caution : Do not use this option for large loads as it might have performance impact on both SAP and BW systems.
Please see the screenshot below. Check the option 'Do not extract from PSA; Access Data Source Directly (for small amounts of data)' . This option is only enabled for full master data loads.