SAP BI REPORTING ( cell editor, variables )


Cell Editor allows direct definition of specific cells in a query.

The cell editor also allows you to mark a specific cell as a 'reference

cell' so that it can be referenced in further calculations

cells are the intersection of two structures in a query definition

therefore the cell editor can only be used in query definitions where there

are two structures.

cells can be formulas, selections, references or auxiliary cells.

One structure will hold only characteristics while the other

structure holds only keyfigure

The cell editor is a function of the BEx Query Designer. We can select the

editor only if the query definition contains two structures. We can define

a maximum of two structures in a query definition.

Cell-specific definitions allow you, in addition to the implicit cell

definitions resulting from the formulas created, to explicitly define

formlas and selection conditions for cells, thereby overwriting the

implicitly generated values. This function allows you to create more

detailed queries.

The formulas or selection conditions that we define for a cell are always

effectie at the intersection of two structure elements. If a drilldown

characteristic has various characteristic values, the cell definition

is always effective at the intersection of the characteristic value

with the keyfigure.

Queries with two structures:

A query which uses two structures provides a very large number of

opportunities for creative report design.

We can have a maximum of two structures in a query.

we can place both structures in the rows or columns or we can put

one structure in the row and on in the column.

we can mix structures and characteristics in the rows or columns.

we can provide our own descriptions for the rows/columns that are

represented by structures membrs. (i.e. define the first row of a structure

based on required values of 0person and name the row 'My Team').

we can use all the usual filtering options to define the members of the

structure, i.e, single values, ranges, hierarchy nodes. We can even use

variables to keep the selection flexible.

We can use Navigation Attributes for defining queries in reporting in the

same way as characteristics. They are displayed in the characgteristic



Variables are query parameters that you define in the Query Designer

and that are filled with values only when you execute the query or

Web application.

How can I structure my reports more flexibly?

By using Variables

Variables are reusable objects.

The variables defined in the query designer are available in all infoproviders

for use in query definition. Variables do not depend on the infoprovider,

but rather on the infoobject for which they were created.

Variables enable you to set queries more flexibly (query parametrization).

When using variables in the query designer, you do not chose fixed

characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, texts, or formula

elements, but rather you set variables as placeholders. These placeholders

are then filled with values at query runtime(when you insert the query

into a workbook, when you refresh a workbook or when you launch the query

on the web). If you use variables, a query definition can then serve as the

basis for many different queries.

Swapping Interval Limits:

If you are using variables when maaking interval selections, you can

swap the limits by highlighting the relevant variable in the right

selection window, and choosing swap interval limits from the context menu.

By using Formula variable:

To calculate the average sales by store, use a formula variable to provide

the number of stores to the calculation. This values could be read from

a master table, supplied by a user at run time, it could even be an

attribute of an organization.

The customer exit processing type for variables enables you to determine

values for variables by means of a function module exit. The function

module used is EXIT_SAPLRRSO_001.

we create a project in transaction CMOD by selecting the SAP enhancement

RSR00001 and assigning this to the enhancement project.

For more information about working with the SAP enhancement for global

variables in reporting, see the SAP enhancement help. Call the transaction

SMOD. Enter the name of the enhancement(RSR00001), choose documentation and

then Edit Display/Change. For general information about working with

Customer Exits, see the application help in transaction CMOD.

Defining New Variables
New variables are defined in the dialogs where they used. The settings are

made on a series of tabs. That is

General Tab

Replacement path


Default values and

Currencies and units.

The setting Offset Start and Offset Length enables yo to determine the

start and the length of the text output. For example, if the only the

first 10 characters of the text are to be used, the Offset Start value

would be 0 and the Offset Length value would be 10.

In order to structure our reports flexibly,you want to use variable

instead of fixed values to restrict our keyfigures. We want to list the

sales volume for each of our materials for a particular month and for

a time interval. We want to display the chosen time or time period in

the column header of the sales volumes.

In order for the exception to take effect, all characteristics with a

value on this screen other than Standard must be in the drilldown of the

report. If there is a characteristic in the report drilldown that has

standard as the assigned value on this screen, we have to place this

characteristic at the end of the drilldown, otherwise the exception

will not take effect.

The sales department wants the flexibility to restrict a report so that

only the most important information displays. This should enable a more

efficient analysis of data when large amounts of data are analyzed. We

now have the task of using conditions within a query definition in order

to meet the aims of the sales department.

A condition row consists of a keyfigure, an operator, and a value for

the operator. In query definitions that contain two structures, there is

an additional field for defining a structural component.

The SAP BI users use BEx Analyser as an analytical, reporting, and design

tool embedded in Microsoft Excel to easily access Infoprovider data,

Queries, Query Views, and workbooks and to analyze the data by navigating

interactively. They can configure global settings and specific settings

for workbooks, create new workbooks and trigger the distribution of them.

In order to define new query definitions they also can launch the BEx Query Designer.