Pre req: You need to have DEBUG access in the SAP system.
Display the table records using SE16 (For illustration below is the active table of an ODS).
STEP 2Enter ‘/h’ in command line & Press enter.
Display The records by pressing the Display Button
It will take to Debugging screen.
(Change to classic debugger if you’re in new BI7 debugger as shown below).
Press F7 it reach the below screen
STEP 3Press F5 to place the cursor on above line. Double click on CODE to display the value in Field names, bottom of the above screen. Delete SHOW, enter EDIT and press change button (R-hand bottom) to change the CODE value.
STEP 4Then F8, It will show the below screen to change the records manually. Change the values of record and press save to save the record in the table with new value. Do the changes for next records by pressing arrow button and save them individually after changes.
STEP 5After your changes, exit from the table (Table-> Exit) it will take to the SE16 table display. Refresh and the changes will be displayed as shown in below pic.