General Settings (SBIW)

In General Settings(SBIW)  we make general settings for the data extraction from a source system into BW.

It includes 3 functions.
1.Maintain control parameters for data transfer
2. Limit Authorization for exraction
3. Check Delta Queue

Maintain Control Parameters for Data Transfer(SBIW)
We have 6 parameters which controls the data from SAP R/3 TO SAP BW.

1.Source System
2.Maximum Size of the Datapacket(KB)
3.Maximum lines/records in the Datapacket.
4.Frequencey of IDOC.
5.Maximum number of parallel process
6.Target system for batch job.
Source System:
Enter the logical system of your source client and assign the control parameters you selected to it.
we can find the source client in the source system by choosing path.
Tools....> Administration.......>Client Maintenance or T-Code SCC4.
Display the list of clients:
Basically there are 2 types of clients:
1.Administratve Clients: Eg:000,066
2.Active/Working clients:800,812.....
Maximum size of the Data packet:
When you transfer data into bw, the individual data records are set in packets of variable size. We can use this parameter to control how large a typical datapacket like this is. The default size of datapacket is 10000 k.bytes. The memory requirements not only depends on settings of the datapacket but also onthe size of the transfer structure and the memory requirement of the relevant extractor.
Frequency of Idoc:
The specified frequency determines the number of IDocs than an info IDoc is to be sent to, or how many data IDocs an Info IDoc describes.
Frequency 1 is set by default. This means that an Info Idoc follows for every data IDoc, you should select a frequency between 5 and 10 but not higher than 20. The bigger the data IDoc packet. The lower the frequency setting should be the help of every info IDoc you can check the BW Monitor to see if there are any errors in the loading process. If no errors then the traffic
The Info Idoc contains information such as whether the respective data idoc were uploaded correctly.
The T-Codes related to IDocs are, IDOC,WE02,WE05,WE18,WE19,WE20,BD87,SALE.

Maximum Number of parallel process for the Delta transfer:
Enter a number larger than 0. The maximum number of parallel process is set by default at the ideal parameter selection depends on the configuration of the application server which you use for transferring the data.

Maximum lines/records in the data packet: Indicates maximum number of records maintained data packet/data package. This parameter is settings is proportnate of request.

Target system for Batch Job;
Enter the name of the application server on which the extraction job is to be processed. To determine the name of the application server then choose the path.
Tools.....>Path.....> Administration......>Monitor.....>System Monitoring......>Server

How to Maintain different data packet sizes for individual data sources:

Enter the size of the packet in setting for sending data in the scheduler screen in the BW System.
At the time of creating infopackage.....>scheduler.....>scheduler menu.....>datasource default data transfer

Limit Authorizations for Extractions:

With this step we can exclude datasources from the extraction data that is stored in the extract structure of this datasource for single bw systems from extraction. If you want to exclude datasource for all connected bw systems from the extraction, then select edit datasource.
Subsequent processing and delete datasource
It includes 3 parameters:
1.Datasource:The name of the datasource to be excluded.
2.BW System: The name of the BW System to which the datasource.
3. Excluded Extract structure: The name of the extract structure to be excluded from the data extraction.

Check Delta Queue:
The delta queue is a datastore in the source system, in which data records are either written automatically using an update process or by extraction using a function module, following a data request from bw.
The data records are transferred from BW Scheduler into bw when a delta request takes place. The data is compressed in delta queue. It can be request by more than one bw system. The delta queue can also be repeated meaning that data from recent extraction process is stored in the delta queue. The repeat mode of delta queue is target system specific. It includes the following parameters.
1.Status of the update
2. Name of the datasource
3. Name of the bw system to which datasource provides data delta records for the latest update
overall status

The update mode includes 1. Delta update(D1)
2,Delta Repitition(Repeat Delta(RD1)

It is possible to delete the data records for datasource by setting datasource and selecting delete data and metadata in a queue.