Selective Deletion in SAP BW

Scenario 1: To delete old data from data targets (Infocube/ODS) to save the space and at the same to to improve data load and query performance.
Scenario 2: Remove data inconsistency - In some cases bad data gets loaded or in case of duplicate data issue one needs to delete the bad data or unwanted duplicate date based on a selection. 
One can use selective deletion in the above two scenarios. Selective Deletion, as the name suggests deletes the data from cube/ods based on the selection conditions provided. 
It is very straight forward to do selective deletion, follow below steps. 
1. Go to 'Manage' screen of the data target (Infocube/ODS). Right Click -> Manage
2. Go to contents tab and click on the button with trashcan symbol and with the description 'Selective'
3. Click on 'Delete Selections' button on the pop-up screen.
4. In the next screen enter the selection conditions for the data deletion and click on 'Execute' button at the top.
5. It takes you back to the screen in step 3, click on selection and select the start condition for the job, provide a name for the job and click on start.
You can track the progress on the job in SM37 and SM66 screens.
Caution : Please be aware that users will get errors while running the reports while selective deletion is in progress on an infocube.