SAP BW 7.3 - New Feature: Switch Infopack in PC to Delta

As of BW 7.0 we need to manullay change all the delta init packages in the process chains to delta when we move the changes to QA or Production environments or we have to create separate delta init packages and manullay run them to do intialization before we could  schedule the process chains with delta infopackages. This is going to change in SAP BW 7.3.

 There is a new option "Switch InfoPack. in PC to Delta" under update tab of infopackage. If we check this option the infopackage will be automatically executed as delta package if already there is a successful initialization. Otherwise, it will be executed as a init package when there is no successful initialization. This will be useful and save us some time with new projects and enhancements. 
Screenshot of "Switch Infopack. in PC to Delta" option

F1 Help for 'Switch Infopack. in PC to Delta"

Convert Initial InfoPackage into Delta InfoPackage

You use this indicator to specify whether you want the system to automatically convert an InfoPackage that is being used in a process chain into a delta InfoPackage when the delta transfer has been initialized successfully.


If you set this indicator, the following applies to the InfoPackage when it is executed in a process chain.
  • If you set the Initialization of Delta Process indicator on the Update tab page and there is no active initialization request with the same or overlapping selections for this DataSource/source system combination, the InfoPackage is executed as an initialization InfoPackage.
  • If there are one or more active initialization requests with the same or overlapping selections for this DataSource/source system combination, the InfoPackage is converted to a delta InfoPackage just before it is executed in the process chain.
    After it has been converted, the InfoPackage stays as a delta InfoPackage in the process chain.