There are lot of good articles and blogs on LO Cockpit Extractors on SDN and else where. LO cockpit extractors are tricky ones to wrap your head around, one needs to follow special procedure when enhancing them. This page is a compilation of all the good resources on logistic extractors. Leave a comment if you come across any resource that is not listed here. I will add it to the article.
A Treatise on Logistics Data Extraction : Discusses the concept and implementation of extraction of logistics transaction data from SAP ECC 6.0, comprising of the celebrated ERP application from SAP, for enterprise data warehouse implementations using Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver 7.0.
Customizing LO Cockpit Extractors - Dealing with Structure Change : How to manage Delta Queues when the structure changes. As we know the Logistics Customizing Cockpit enables you to enhance the Datasources of the logistics listed there from a pool of predefined fields and before changing the extract structures in Customizing cockpit (transaction LBWE). This blog post explains this process in detail.
Dealing with Setup Tables in LO Cockpit Extractors : As we know setup tables are used to for intial or full loads. This blog post discusses setup tables and how to deal with them.